
Ellie’s friend Roy has been at our house almost every day for as long as I can remember and he has brought his dog, Blue. I am always happy to see Blue, but I run to my bedroom and cover my ears as soon as the buzzing, banging and crashing starts.

First they spent a whole day ripping up the kitchen. They covered the floor with some cardboard stuff that makes a big noise when I walk on it. It scared me at first, but I kind of like sounding like a big mean dog as I make my way to my doggie door.  Then they moved the stove and the refrigerator (hey, my food is in there!) into the dining room. Huh? Then the dust started to fly as they took the cabinets off the wall. That was the right time for me to hide out.

When they arrive early in the morning, Ellie is sometimes just crawling out of bed. I go out to greet Blue, who is very eager to come in the house, but after Roy yells and slams the door, Blue stays outside. I go out through my door and we say hello. Then he makes use of our yard to relieve himself and I pee over the same spot to make sure he knows who the master of the house is.

Ellie’s food preparation has become really strange. She moved my food bowl to the bathroom and twice a day she carries my food in there and puts together those yummy treats that sometimes have nasty pills inside (ugh–spit them out) and mixes up my food in my bowl. She washes dishes in the bathroom too and I can tell she is not pleased with the arrangement. Much grumbling and sighing.

Now the guys are groaning and drilling while they put cabinets back on the walls in the kitchen. I just don’t get it. What was wrong with the other ones? You humans are sure strange. Go ahead and mess up my kitchen. I’ll be hanging out with Blue.
